best of luck on the apartment hunt! it took a long time but the date 9/1 no longer gives me anxiety since we haven't had to move in almost ten years. may that eventual date have minimal hiccups for y'all and minimal college kids who barely know how to drive operating uhauls in an unfamiliar city.

the food as ever looks amazing. is it appropriate to be craving french onion toasts at 9am?

and bless that person who cooked the book! ever since julie & julia and storebought is fine, i've thought, dang, i should do that. but the second i set up any kind of task like that for myself, even if i'm thinking about it because it's something i would do anyway, my brain is like "well we're definitely not doing this now." lmao. SIGH. but kudos to all the folx who can actually stick to their projects and goals. i will live vicariously through them.

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The sticky buns are delicious. At Flour they keep them in a warming drawer so they always seem like they’re just out of the oven, which isn’t practical at home. I have to put a big piece of sticky shelf liner under my mixer when I make brioche so it doesn’t dance off the counter.

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