May 9, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

I love just roasting them, big or small. Trim stem flat and close, stuff several cloves of peeled garlic among the leaves, drizzle with some lemon juice and olive oil and a bit of salt. Wrap in aluminum foil, bake at 410 45 min. to 1 hour depending on size. Yummy,

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May 9, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

I think you started the artichokes off great but then I would have roasted them a la smitten kitchen to get them crispy and frizzled. The only way to eat baby chokes in my opinion.

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May 11, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

Omg you ate well this week. I adore steamed artichokes with quepie mayo. I get your spice organizing system but the ocd in me wonders why they weren’t alphabetical within the categories 😉

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May 10, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

i love artichokes, and when i had the big bois as a kid my dad would just throw them in boiling water. and we just ate them plain, leaves and all. (well, not the hairy part. i would ask what all the "hair" was and my dad in a total deadpan would only say "don't eat that part, it's poison." i was living on the edge!) knowing my dad, i honestly don't know if there was even any salt. there was definitely no dip or stuffing or whatever. and somehow, i still loved them. (please note: this is solely a fond memory, not a cooking suggestion.)

another one of your readers had posted a recipe in the comments on a previous newsletter involving these artichokes and the last part involved halving them and pan frying in olive oil and the whole thing just sounded amazing. that i would try.

meanwhile, that harry's berries pie looks so good. are the strawberries worth the price of admission or are they just berries for rich people? inquiring minds and all that.

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I'm with you, Adam. The artichokes don't look worth the work.

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I love artichokes! <3 also all your photos are so pretty:)

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