man, that goosefeather dinner looks OUTSTANDING.

i could never leave new england, but i did fly to california (LA, santa monica, ojai..i forget where else) for a week or two many years ago, around the time that all my college friends seemed to be splitting for LA or NY. and while i was there i thought wow, okay, i see why people love it here. NY did not have that effect on me though, i can admit XD but definitely east coast for life. did you ever publish the moving to LA essay, by the way?

[CW: depression/suicide]

also, i do wish people would stop looking for answers re: anthony bourdain. it's of course totally normal to seek them on a personal level, but some people are like...treating it like some forensic analysis and they just know one day they'll crack the case. depression is a disease. it controls your mind. nothing happened because he hated himself, or because he was mad at his girlfriend. it happened because he had a deadly disease and ultimately succumbed to it. it wasn't his fault, or anybody else's. depression makes you run from things you love. you feel nothing most of the time. (which can lead to obsessions, risk taking, substance abuse, etc.) the things you do or don't do don't make sense to other people, and even yourself. you feel trapped, even if you have everything. people keep going on - consciously or subconsciously - refusing to understand mental illness or neurodivergence because they can't relate, and keep ignoring the obvious in search of some deeper "answers" that aren't there. it's frustrating.

i do regret his relationship with asia - it was clearly toxic. it's nothing short of ironic and extremely telling that she was very controlling/manipulative when it came to certain things, yet she attacked him for his possessiveness. she isn't to blame - i think if it hadn't been her it would have been some facsimile of her, but - it's just so sad to think of what might have been. we are lucky though to have had so much of him for so long. maybe he'd still be here if we hadn't gotten any of it, i don't know. my heart forever goes out to all of his true friends and family. i'm not usually one to be affected by celebrity passings but damn, did his leave a mark.

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I am so sorry that i cant make it tomorrow night, i have to go to my kids back to school night, bummer. Didn't want you to wonder why i was not there. ;) Congratulations on your book!

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It's Thursday night!

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Oct 4, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

My curriculum night is thursday night but i am observing yom kippor so i guess in my mind i am thinking is no tuesday and wednesday night!

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