Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

This is lovely; thank you.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

This is such a wonderful tribute. I love your writing as much as I expect I’d love your cooking!

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I am just so sad.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

Beautiful post. I loved her blog so much, especially on April Fool's Day. RIP

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

I've followed you since your Serious Eats debut. Thank you for this powerful piece of writing.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

Thank you for that lovely piece about Julie. I found her book Cleaving to be raw, truthful and insightful, she had a wonderful way of expressing herself in her writing. Cleaving inspired me to learn more about butchering and meat cutting, taking a class Thomas Schneller at the CIA in Hyde Park. I still do most of my own meat cutting and fabrication. Julie will be greatly missed.

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Hi Adam, I met you years ago when I was blogging about cupcakes. Thanks for writing about Julie. May her memory be a blessing.

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Oh Adam! Thank you for this ... I too was standing in line waiting to get on a plane, and felt melodramatic bursting into tears. But Julie!?! So young?

I will always admire her for exactly this, for resisting "lifestyle", for not becoming Amy Adams (although I will stand by my assertion that Nora did Julie wrong out of class and generational bewilderment, much the way Julia didn't get the point).

I'm just gutted that her cranky, loving voice is gone so soon.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

HI Adam,

I just wanted to say I really enjoy your newsletter and your piece on Julie Powell.

Her first book was a hoot, I will have to check out Cleaved…

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An outstanding post. A lovely tribute.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

She’s the reason I started my blog too. I wanted to be a food writer but despaired because I didn’t think I knew how. She was my inspiration (and also the reason I met you! 😊). Thank you Julie, for putting it all out there.

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

The Anti-Chef guy on YouTube is basically doing what Julie Powell did, only on video. The blog was kind of a PG rated version (as is the Anti-Chef image, I imagine); Cleaving was a chance to be herself. I'm not sure why we believe that people we admire for their art have to be equally inspirational in their lives. Or even inspirational the same way (assuming their lives are inspirational). I mean, Powell wasn't Elisabeth Schwarzkopf (magnificent singer, terrible person).

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

Beautiful piece Adam. Thank you

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Nov 3, 2022Liked by Adam Roberts

Such a great post - personal, real, and moving. I didn't follow Julie closely but was just so sad to read of her early death. Thanks, Adam.

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i agree with maria, this is really lovely, adam. thanks for this personal aspect of julie. let's live our own lives, without apology.

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